How much does it cost to travel Indian Buddhist Pilgrim?

If you want to explore Indian Buddhist Pilgrim or places and want to know how much it costs. Then you are in the right place because I am also going to share which is the best Buddhist temple to travel to in India on a low budget in the further article.

Best Buddhist Piligrim to travel-Sravasti

Indian Buddhist Pilgrim

This place is in Uttar Pradesh. Shravasti has been linked to the bones discovered at Saheth-Maheth on the Rapti River. It was the ancient Kosala kingdom’s capital and is important to Buddhists since it was here that Lord Buddha performed his greatest miracle to baffle the Tirthika heretics. Among these marvels is Buddha’s creation of numerous representations of himself, a popular motif in Buddhist art. It is well-connected by decent roads built under the Buddhist Circuit. In the vicinity of the town of Sahet-Mahet, there are several temples, old stupas, and large viharas, establishing Lord Buddha’s link with Shravasti. It is claimed that the area was founded by the Vedic Bharat King and was formerly the capital of the Kosala ruler. It was also well-known for its spiritual significance. Shobhnath temple is considered to be the birthplace of Sambhavanatha, the third Jain Tirthankara, makes it a significant location for Jains.

Sravasti’s population in the 5th century BCE was more than that of Magadha’s capital, Rajgir, which had a population of roughly 900,000 at the time. According to mythology, Gautam Buddha loved spending time here during the rainy seasons, thus he spent 25 rainy seasons here.

Best Pilgrim near the Sravasti Buddhist temple

There is never a dull moment in Uttar Pradesh for a traveler. The city is littered with historical, and artistically significant monuments, buildings, and other locations. Here are some additional places you might check out after visiting the Buddhist temples in Uttar Pradesh. Exploring these places does not affect your budget.

➢ Temple of Vibhuti Nath
➢ Suhaildev National Park
➢ Kacchi Kuti
➢ Pakki Kuti
➢ Vipassana Meditation Centre

Lumbini, the place of Lord Buddha's birth

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Siddhartha Gautama, the Lord Buddha, was born in Lumbini’s well-known gardens in 623 B.C., which soon became a major pilgrimage site. One among the travelers was the Indian emperor Ashoka, who erected a monument pillar there. Archaeological relics connected to the birth of the Lord Buddha are a key component of the site’s development as a Buddhist pilgrimage center.

The Shakya Tank, the brick structures in the cross-wall system of the Maya Devi Temple, dating from the third century BC to the present, and the sandstone Ashoka pillar with its Pali inscription in Brahmi script are all part of the complex of buildings within the archaeological conservation area. In addition, there exist the ruins of Buddhist stupas (memorial shrines) that date from the third century BC to the fifteenth century AD, as well as the remains of Buddhist viharas (monasteries) that date from the third century BC to the fifth century AD. Archaeological relics connected to the birth of the Lord Buddha are a key component of the site’s development as a Buddhist pilgrimage center.

Best Place near the Lumbini, Nepal

There are many amazing places to explore in Lumbini, Nepal. As you know this is the birthplace of lord buddha. If you want to travel more in Lumbini there are many amazing places to travel and it will not affect your budget rather it will make your experience much better. So, let’s know the places.

➢ Temple of Maya Devi
➢ Pagoda for World Peace
➢ Golden Monastery of Myanmar
➢ Palace of Ranighat
➢ Thai Royal Monastery
➢ Monastic Site of Lumbini

Travel Budget for Buddhist Pilgrims

Monsoon in Nepal_ visa quests, failed plans, and coffee addictions

If you want to travel to a Buddhist place or temple in India. If you are traveling solo it does not cost very much. But if you are going with family or somebody else you need a good budget. It’s not only about traveling costs it is also about other expenses like food, stay, and other expenses If you are going to travel with any guidance and support. You may not be able to do everything in your budget. Then how you will travel on a low budget? And here is the answer. If you travel
without guidance it will cost you 60,000 to 70,000 rupees and you might travel to only one place. But with our guidance, you can explore more than 10 Buddhist places at affordable prices. If you want to know more about our service you can visit our website or download the brochure.

